Crookston Ox Cart Days held its annual Happy Joes Pizza and Ice Cream Parlor pizza eating contest on Saturday, August 20, in the Downtown Square in Crookston, where four contestants had 15 minutes to eat as much of a large Canadian Bacon pizza as they could with the contestants from Miss Crookston keeping track of how many slices they had left to eat.
While no one was able to finish the entire pizza, Tim Moe of Crookston Public Schools took home the crown, eating nine out of twelve slices. Which won him free pizza from Happy Joe’s for one year.
The other contestants were Jeremy Lubinski of Highland Elementary School who ate seven slices, Barry Altepeter of Cathedral Elementary School who ate two slices, and Blake Bergeron of the University of Minnesota Crookston who ate eight slices.
Along with the pizza eating contest, the crowd got to enjoy many attractions and events, such as the wondering performers that gave performed impressive tricks and fun activities, the Buckshot and Bandit Oxen Team, a Tae Kwon Do Demonstration by Crookston Championship Tae Kwon Do, a performance by Just for Kix, climbing the National Guard’s Rock-Climbing Wall, and a Yoyo Show by Yoyo Master John Nahum.
Pictures of the contest and other attractions can be seen below-
The Pizza Eating contest is underway
Blake Bergeron representing UMC
Tim Moe representing Crookston Public Schools
Jeremy Lubinski representing Highland Elementary School
Barry Altepeter representing Cathedral School
A large crowd cheering on the contestants
It’s coming down to the wire between these three
Tim Moe wins the Pizza Eating Contest
2022 Pizza Eating Contest Champion Tim Moe
The hula hoop dancing performer
John Nahum performing Yoyo tricks
One of the wandering performers teaching people how to juggle
The wondering accordion player interacting with the crowd
The Balloon Artist giving out free balloon animals and tools to kids
The Kidzone outside the Red Barn
The Buckshot and Bandit Oxen Team
The National Guard Rock Wall
The Blue Line Club’s Drop and Shoot
Championship Tae Kwon Do begins their demonstration